1940s UK Radio

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1940s UK Radio

Post by Forrest »

Your Comms are silent. The only sound you hear, the steady breathing of your trusty twin-engine steed galloping you through the clouds. Far off into the fading distance below, a faceless clump of civilization slowly streams by. It is in this moment you realize...you are alone.

These are times made for '1940s UK Radio'! Broadcast from tall metal beams towering over the British Isle to the west, 'snip-ets' of hope float across the Channel and right into your cockpit. From Garland to Bing; from Dinah to 'King'. Even vital news and inspiration from the Prime Minister himself. Their words, their song will keep your spirits high as you do your terrible duty in the name of freedom.

[BONUS: This free Station includes 26 episodes of the famed radio broadcast of (wait for it...): 'THE DAM-BUSTERS!']

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Re: 1940s UK Radio

Post by Sniper62 »

cool stuff
CO RAF 617 Squadron "The DamBusters"

My Movies: (youtube links, PM me if you are interested in higher res)-BARCAP in Action-Fighter Action-Fighter Action #2-Sniper of 09s-109f1vsSpitV
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Re: 1940s UK Radio

Post by Forrest »

Many a late and lonely night has been spent lining up the bombsight...with the voice of Guy Gibson (well, an actor playing him) echoing through the speakers. Great company for those quiet solo flights.
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Re: 1940s UK Radio

Post by Kizmet »

I love it. Use it at work a lot. Freaks some people out hearing such ancient music coming from my system. Old suthurn rocker here ya know.
Executive Officer
RAF 617 Squadron, The DamBusters
AHC COS Retired
AHC CinC Staff, Retired
BEF CinC, Retired
RAF CO, Retired


Apres Moi Le Deluge!
After me, the flood!

"The DamBusters - not just a squad, a game imbalance"
gators1 wrote:I think a battalion of Georgia rednecks can easily take a bunch of Vermont hippies with peace symbols on their uniforms.
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