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Post by deffield »

I got horribly bored, so I'm transcribing the Rat Chat into a text document, and I'll post it on the BGE forums if somone doesn't get there first. I'll update this page as I go.

First Question
"With 1.28.5 was there any more implementation of Unity 2, or are you guys just completely waiting for 1.29 to come out before you throw the rest in?"
Gophur: "I'll take that, no there was not really anything of Unity 2 in 1.28.5, and there probably won't be much of Unity 2 in 1.29 either. We were/are trying to deliver that along with the Project China stuff that we are committed to deliver to those guys but I don't know if those two things are going to hit at the same time. So uh, right now we're operating 1.29 as trying to finish up the stuff of the China Project and a couple of other little things for the game, DOC's working on a couple of new planes, we've got some UI changes that are going to go in, there are gonna be some gameplay changes, I dunno how deep we'll get into those but the primary thing is to get the China Project stuff into Beta, that includes <something>, all of the new UI, tutorials and some other stuff that will bleed over for us. We're probably not going to deliver Unity 2 with 1.29 as it looks right now."
Second Question (Me) : "I'd like to ask, as you just mentioned, new planes //waffle//, any sort of indication of what type of new plane we're getting?"
DOC: "We're doing a couple of variants that we are adding to the game, one of the things we've wanted to address for a while is the single plane choice in 1.20 did what we wanted to do initally but it's a little thin in terms of variety, and there are some more things we can do with rank. //Incomprehensible waffle// We don't want to go back to what we had before because we'd loose the functionality that we got with the new system, we're doing a couple of variants that will allow us to shift around how the tiers are displayed. I don't really want to go into too much detail right now because they're not ready yet and they won't be out until 1.29, but we will certainly be letting you know as we get closer to actually getting those done. They're pretty quick and easy but all our resources right now are pretty strapped."

Question: "So no new models then? Just variants?"

DOC : "That's correct."
Last edited by deffield on Wed Jun 25, 2008 3:28 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by deffield »

Reserved for space.
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Post by mevan »

I got the "We have work to do" look from Mrs. Mevan at around noon. Missed the Rat chat but at least my deck looks good.

Thanks for the update.
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Post by Frantish »

these new airplanes are pretty much set.
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