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Internet Research

Post by Charlie3 »

Been googling for something that I cannot find and figured I'd ask the pros...

Need help finding a device that would limit my 13 year old to like two hours of phone use per day max.

There are a few gadgets that block out time but that is not what I want. I want somethig that when the phone rings, she'd put in a code which would identify her as the user and that would start a countdown timer.

This is the nicest one I have seen but it just blocks out time of day for outgoing calls. ... ine_l.html

I guess I could block out a two hour window using this device but it does not appear to prevent somebody else (boys) from calling her outside the blocked time window.

Any help is appreciated because santa wants to buy this for Christmas... sick of boys calling 24/7
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Post by thor »

I guess she talks a lot on the phone, but personally, I don’t believe in restricting kids freedom. That said – I have no idea how much she talks, and what she talks about, and if the talking prevents her from doing homework and other duty.

Kids in Norway don’t talk that much on the phone – but they send each other SMS (text messages) from there cellphones. In our family, we had a big fight when Mr. 10 year old sent extremely strong languish (spelling?) to a girl in school – he called her very nasty things and even said that her mother slept around the whole town. I was choked – and when I talked with him about it, he was rather choked himself – he didn’t think it was as bad as it really was. He still has his phone – but we talk more about it and we check it more often…

Anyway – let’s forget about the damn kids… get a beer and log into zhe game.
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