talking with a recruiter tommorow...

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Post by Ithica »

awww snippet my lil bitch you are gonna be a desk jockey???? Well good luck to ya and keep your shit outta trouble
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Post by Cono »

Sniper62 wrote:it went good, after talking with them for acouple days i have signed my papers and are waiting to go to the physical this saturday, aftr that its official

i am going in as a 25 Bravo here what it is

i will be leaving for basic July 5th, it starts the 14th and lasts for 9 weeks and its in Fort Jackson SC

about a week after that i head to Fort Gordon GA for my job training and that lasts 22 weeks

then after that who knows where they will send me lol but i will work 5 days a week and still be able to bomb with u guys after work 8)

for my shooting needs i will be practicing and sooner or later join with the Armys Marksmanship Unit and compete all ovre the place, maybe even go to the olympics :shock:

Oh geez!!! Another Army geek!!!!! :)

Hey, looks like your heading to my neck of the woods. Have fun on the Ft. Gordon Barton Field parade ground. The PX and commissary are nice and Eisenhower Army Medical Center is top-notch should you get carpal-tunnel syndrome from typing(yea, right) all day. :)

My Dad was the Brigade S-4 there when he retired eons ago. My parents still live there. Should I have the Colonel and the General look in on you? ;)

Work 5 days a week and play at night? What kind of Army are you joining, the Salvation Army? Man, who fed you that load of bull?


Good Luck, Snippet.
Cono (a.k.a. Conobot)
Specialist in airfield suppression and airfield defence

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