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Rat Chat 7 June 12CST

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 6:00 pm
by Sniper62

Re: Rat Chat 7 June 12CST

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 11:52 am
by Sniper62
about to start

Re: Rat Chat 7 June 12CST

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 8:24 pm
by Sniper62

Re: Rat Chat 7 June 12CST

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 1:37 am
by Pegasusbelgar
I don't see any of the airwar questions answered there or even your RDP supply question Sniper, even the first question of the night about bombers.

Re: Rat Chat 7 June 12CST

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 9:51 am
by Sniper62
Pegasusbelgar wrote:I don't see any of the airwar questions answered there or even your RDP supply question Sniper, even the first question of the night about bombers.
All the questions answered on the AAR were from a question thread in the barracks that they have had running since campaign 100. People that werent at the rat chat would need to listen to the recording to hear all that stuff.

WWIIOL road map is Infrastructure (VMs), Services (CSR, Wiki, Webmap2, Wiretap2), Releases (1.34.x/1.35), Steam. No info on timelines for each of these steps.
Multi-crew bug fixed in 1.35

Re: Rat Chat 7 June 12CST

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 10:06 am
by Pegasusbelgar
Yes I realised that after I posted and re-read the post again. :iconnoob: <-- me

Anyway need more bombers! :lol:

Re: Rat Chat 7 June 12CST

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 12:23 pm
by Sniper62
Last 1.35 Read Me:
World War Two Online - Test
Version (07-12-2012)

- Improved several send routines for better performance and stability
- Improved spawn stability
- Fixed FRU placement issues
- Fixed .makelead issues
- Fixed several $ commands
- Fixed moving flags
- Fixed several .dotcommands

World War Two Online - Test
Version (07-03-2012)

- Revised Infantry Unit names in the spawn lists to emphasize the weapon name
- Increased ATP burn rate for heavy weapon infantry units
- Fixed missing grenade aim function

- reduced capture timers by 25%
- auto uncap reduced from 12 to 10 minutes

- Fixed missing strat state updates on the map
- Fixed (ancient) bug in teulKit that could cause random memory corruptions in server processes

- Updated languages

- Working to get the mac online

World War Two Online - Test
Version (06-22-2012)

- Added new host
- Improved death lag
- Improved connection stability
- Improved response lag
- Removed NetCode2 Beta


The beta team under the direction of XXXXXXXX has been doing research on improving the gunsights in many of our vehicles. The first part of that work is complete and ready for testing. Our sincerest gratitude for the devotion these players have to making our game better. Thank you.

- Daimler Mk.I Main gun
- A13 Mk. II Main gun
- A15 Mk. II Main gun
- A15 MK. III Main gun
- Churchill Mk. III Main gun
- Churchill MK. VII Main gun
- Matilda II Main gun
- 6pdr ATG
- 17pdr ATG
- Panhard 178 Main gun
- R35 Main gun
- H39 Main gun
- S35 Main gun
- B1 bis Main gun
- B1 bis Hull gun
- M3A3 Stuart Main gun
- M4A2 Sherman Main gun
- M4A3(76) Sherman Main gun
- M10 Tank Destroyer Main gun
- M1 57mm ATG
- M5A2 76mm ATG
- Stu.G. III Ausf. B Main gun
- Stu.G. III Ausf. G Main gun
- 5cm Pak 38
- 7,5cm Pak 40

HE Rounds Data Audit:

The beta team under the direction of Scotsman has been working on improving the fidelity of our shrapnel model. Since computers have advanced so much since we first wrote this data we can now afford to calculate more realistic numbers of shrapnel pieces. Consequentluy, all HE rounds have had their shrapnel models adjusted. Once again our sincerest thanks for the time and dedication the crew ahas put in to make our game better for everyone. Thank you.

- Retextured PIAT round
- Increased para steering rate to old school values
- Added new grenade throw animations
- Added grenade aim function
- RPATS are not loaded at spawn
- RPATS cannot sprint while loaded
- RPATS cannot aim when not loaded (for feedback)

- Lowered rank requirements for TT and DD
- DD has minimum range setting of 100m

- Improved turret accuracy in third person
- Reduced capture timers slightly
- Allied personas will now share rank between similar branches in different countries
- FRU threshold reduced so that some weapons that were inconsistant in damaging it now cross the threshold more regularly

- Habay town layout altered
- Fixed a berm issue with forest object
- Fixed an FB/berm collider issue
- Fixed an AB wall floating issue
- Fixed an AB wall floating issue
- Fixed a sunken AI gun issue
- Hastiere town layout extended
- Fixed a forest tile issue
- Lislet town expanded (1 new capture facility added)
- Fixed a docks issue
- Breskens town layout altered
- Fixed an elevation issue in Caudry
- Improved town layout of Caudry
- Fixed a treeline issue
- Improved town layout of Damvillers
- Fixed a broken terrain seam
- Remodeled Evrange
- Fixed some berm issues
- Fixed some bad AI
- Improved Eind town layout
- Fixed an elevation issue at Lueze
- Rebuilt Lueve because it was teh suk
- Fixed some treeline issues around Heinsberg
- Improved Heinsberg town layout
- Improved Eeklo town layout
- Fixed some elevation issues around Orchies
- Improved Orchies town layout
- Fixed an AI that wasn't in strat
- Improved Frevent town layout
- Fixed some forest tiles
- Rebuilt Lillers township
- Improved Cassel town layout
- Removed an AI inside a building (Leige)
- Fixed a broken AI in Bouillon
- Fixed a building object in Ham
- Improved Bailleul town layout
- Rebuilt Martelange township
- Improved Torhout town layout
- Improved Densborn town layout
- Improved Gravelines town layout
- Improved Marquise town layout
- Improved Menen town layout
- Rebuilt Thulin township completely
- Rebuilt Sierck-les-Bains township
- Improved Thionville town layout
- Fixed a terrain anomaly near Spontin
- Improved Spontin town layout (1 new capture facility added)
- Fixed an FB near Brussels
- Fixed an FB near Heerlen
- Fixed a dock spawner at Oostende
- Fixed a spawner at Dusseldorf AF/AB
- Fixed an FB near Ijzendjike
- Fixed an FB near Albert
- Fixed the Chalunes AB wall
- Fixed an elevation issue at Rethel
- Fixed the AB wall at Rethel
- Added a new capture facility to Rethel
- Fixed an elevation seam anomaly near Vouziers
- Improved Vouziers layout
- Fixed an elevation issue near Hillesheim
- Added a new capture facility in Hillesheim
- Fixed some elevation issues around Nettersheim
- Improved Nettersheim outlaying town districts (depots)
- Added a new capture facility to Nettersheim
- Fixed a vertice anomaly near Hillesheim
- Added Builder Voodoo1 statue at Hillesheim
- Added new capture facility to wellin
- Closed the Egheeze-Hannut gap
- New depots in Egheeze and Hannut
- Added new capture facility to Egheeze
- Fixed a terain seam near Lier
- Added a new capture facility to Lier
- Fixed an coastal elevation anomaly near Zandvliet
- Rebuilt Zandvliet (and it REALLY needed it!)
- Closed the Beauraing-Gedinne gap
- Fixed a berm issue round Neufchaeau
- Improved Neufchateau town layout
- Repaired a terrain seam near Verdun
- Added a capturable facility to Verdun
- Fixed a berm issue at Consenvoye
- Extended Consenvoye township
- Improved the gap in Gembloux township layout

World War Two Online - Test
Version (05-17-2012)

- More memory work (still tracking that CTD down)
- Fixed German helmet crown

World War Two Online - Test
Version (05-09-2012)

- PIAT rouns has new markings
- Fixed shfit sprint issue

- Massive memory handling improvements and fixes

- Reduced kill lag by a significant ammout

- Fixed issues with forest corners floating

- Fixed alt-f4 on beta releases

Memorial Additions:
* Jose "Cachopan" Cerezo
* Michael "Mike56" Fligor