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First Draft "Mr. WillyTee man"

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 6:36 pm
by Tzulscha
Mr. WillyTee man: (to the Tune of Mr Tamourine Man)

Hey! Mr WillyTee Man, draw that 'toon for me
I'm not sleepy and there ain't no thread worth reading now.
Hey! Mr WillyTee Man, draw that 'toon for me
From the jungle jangle of OT I need brain candy now..
Though I know that OTs empire has returned into sand
Ol' Moxin had 'em banned
Left me blindly here to stare but still not laughing
My boredom, it amazes me, I'm stuck here reading crap
There's no pron here worth a fap.
And the ancient necro threads too dead for reading.

Hey! Mr WillyTee Man, draw that 'toon for me
I'm not sleepy and there ain't no thread worth reading now.
Hey! Mr WillyTee Man, draw that 'toon for me
From the jungle jangle of OT I need brain candy now..

Take me for a trip upon your magic cartoon strip
Politics has got me whipped, all the topics make me sick
My brain can't give a flip, I hafta wait until this weekend
To go bomberin'
I'm ready to read anything, I'm in the Harbour now
(Looks like Angriff had a cow), doesn't matter anyhow
The Harbour is a wasteland.

Hey! Mr WillyTee Man, draw that 'toon for me
I'm not sleepy and there ain't no thread worth reading now.
Hey! Mr WillyTee Man, draw that 'toon for me
From the jungle jangle of OT I need brain candy and how.

Though I read those trolling tpoics, spamming madly in forum
It's not aimed at anyone, it's just a bit of fun
And but for the mods. there are no restrictions facin'
And if you find vague traces of thoughtful threads online
I wouldn't pay it any mind, there's a troll hiding there behind
he's a genius in his mind, it's just entertainment you're
Seein' that he's chasing.

Hey! Mr WillyTee Man, draw that 'toon for me
I'm not sleepy and there ain't no thread worth reading now.
Hey! Mr WillyTee Man, draw that 'toon for me
From the jungle jangle of OT I need brain candy now.

Then I go tripping gayly through the forums of B.E.
Through the Barracks whiny noise, far too many little boys
The Hangars noisy wheeze, the Motor Pool to shoot the breeze
Far from the twisted reach of moderators
Yes, to wander past the mental haze of noobies in a daze
I listen to the rants, it causes tightness in my pants
When the posters get irate I will laugh about their fate.
Let me forget about One Three Five until tomorrow.

Hey! Mr WillyTee Man, draw that 'toon for me
I'm not sleepy and there ain't no thread worth reading now.
Hey! Mr WillyTee Man, draw that 'toon for me
From the jungle jangle of OT I need brain candy now..

Needs some polishing I think, but I thot I'd let you guys have a glim before I posted it in WWIIOL forums.
Whaddya think?

Re: First Draft "Mr. WillyTee man"

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 7:48 pm
by Sniper62