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Saying HI

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 4:33 pm
by acegacek
A bit about myself, I am Axis 100%, squad with 91st Sturmbatallion (mostly ground squad with small air wing). I love the 111 and the many tailgunners and large output of damage, especially in tier 0.

Why I registered here though? Because I looking for input to help get more Axis in the air, and to compare to what Allied side runs. So I am curious from you guys;

1) How many non squad mates do you all get on the runs?
2) How long do you advertise on 55 or where ever to build up numbers?
3) Anyway to try to lure more people? besides offering candy in a tinted out van
4) More importantly, for my own reference, how long do flights usually take time wise? To target? From target?

To give you guys a perspective of how things have been on this side recently.

I have lead 7 runs in the short time I had available. In that there was 3 solo flight, 2 flights with squadmates, and 2 with random blue tags.We maxed at 6 bombers once, and about 8 greentag escorts. The rest of the flights got up to 3 bombers and no escorts or less.

I have been averaging about 40 minutes to target (Time was recorded to all French factories, assume extra 5-10 minutes to England) and about 30-40 minutes for RTB. I try to advertise on 20 for about 10-15 minutes depending on how much attention it gets and how many are up for it.

I have been trying to get more bombers by shortening the flight as much as possible but don't think I can go faster than 40 minutes to target and 30 back, safely anyways.

I have been getting a lot of recruits and people who don't know how to bomb or escort to come with, leading to pretty bad times if we are intercepted. To counter this I posted some of Hyoslvr's videos on how to level bomb with 111 and am waiting a while to see results and if it leads to higher accuracy, not much I can do to teach escorting.

Anyways, hope you guys keep up the runs, fun to intercept and go the other way too, hopefully I can convince and teach enough people how to bomb and work together. One option would be to dedicate a squad for it, but I don't have time or tools to start up a squad from scratch. Biggest fear is Allied bombing non stop and Axis not doing the same the other way, eventually I would think that they would not improve it further or cut back on effects a bit.

Normally I would join you guys, but I like hardmode better. :P

Re: Saying HI

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 12:27 am
by Sniper62
S! Ace, welcome to the 617 Forums.

We will try to answer your questions because we want an actual AirWar and that means the Axis having a FBR bombing group :D we have had multiple ppl wondering the same things.

1) This depends, normaly i would say its half and half, normal runs are around 4-8 bombers. for the big runs 15+ there would be a higher ratio of friends, other squads etc..

2) Prolly around 10-20mins depending on how things are going

3) This is the tricky part, because there is no garenteed way to do this. Ide say the best way is just with peronalities. kinda like tonight with all the guys being funny and such on ch55 to get ppls attentions. i would say another thing is who you are, like Reddog, hes built a reputation. when ppl see him advertising on ch55 they know him, what hes going to be doing and want to fly with him.

4) Well the RTB leg is always shorter because its the easies and to the closest AF. The average mission lengths for us last map was around 60-70mins. its all relitive on the risk the flight lead wants to take with his flight. How long he takes to form up, what AF he leaves from, what route he takes to get to tgt, what alt he decides to bomb at and finally what speed he flys that route.

the biggest thing i think that makes or breaks the a bombing group is the ppl that are doing it. we bomb because its what we like to do, not because its all about winning the map or getting kills. we like to just get together and chat it up while flying to tgt, and when we get those crazy times with EA zipping in and out and our escorts right behind em it just more toppings on the cake. unfortinatly the axis side has a very large portion that is all about the kills or "fun". dig and im sure you will find some guys...

we lub everytime we come over to the axis side and fly that sexxeh He111, wish we could do it more often then what we do!

Re: Saying HI

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 4:14 am
by wingit
the biggest thing i think that makes or breaks the a bombing group is the ppl that are doing it. we bomb because its what we like to do, not because its all about winning the map or getting kills. we like to just get together and chat it up while flying to tgt, and when we get those crazy times with EA zipping in and out and our escorts right behind em it just more toppings on the cake. unfortinatly the axis side has a very large portion that is all about the kills or "fun". dig and im sure you will find some guys...

I think Sniper has hit the nail on the head with what he said (above).

I, like you was initially in a mainly ground based unit, it was fun and the guys were brilliant. However I wanted to fly more so I joined the DB's.

I love the team flights and don't mind flying for an hour or only to get shot down by vengeful JG(insert number here).

It's all about having fun, getting bombs on target and trying to get as many escorts etc. to join you.

Good luck

p.s. Team Speak is a MUST HAVE.