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Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 7:29 pm
by nnowotny
S! all you ol' bastage,

I'm and more We having good time escorting you guys, we include me & nico but my whole squad too.
So keep organising them we'll join as many as possible !
just 2 things to add ;

-Time for you guys to learn french
-Ben stop flying too far away ahead of the group 8)
-Reddfog is a lazy bastage
-Allibone i know why you retired those americans are fooking horrible to fly with always screaming and putting some crazy a$$ songs, man WTF ?!! now i know why you're off for so long :twisted:

S! guys

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 7:49 pm
by thor
Nice escorts tonight. thank you.

(just pretend you don't understand english, that is what i do)

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 9:36 pm
by hiiamben
Roflmao Owotny bud want to say great fucking job this weekend bud!! I would like you to have all of your guys who helped this weekend to let me know who they are so i can see about getting em a ribbon.

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 10:10 pm
by barely8
Bonjour monsieur nnowotny! Je m'apelle Barely8.

My Francais is a little rusty as I haven't used it since 1992 when I spoke and wrote fluent French and visited Airbus and a sister facility in Toulouse frequently. I'll try and brush up on my French. :wink:

Don't mind hiiamben, we can't understand him either. He speaks a dialect of english called 'Oklahoman'. :lol:

I hope to make some bombing runs in the near future as I am just getting back from being away for a couple of weeks.


Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 12:01 am
by Tzulscha
thor wrote:Nice escorts tonight. thank you.

(just pretend you don't understand english, that is what i do)
Me too, :wink:

Thanks for the Escorts Nnowotny!

Moi toucher sûr volant par les vôtres!


Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 5:10 am
by nnowotny
lmao ! ok np we'll keep talkin english sounds better :p
the following have been escorting ;

Ploofy (lol)

Thanks guys ! and keep it up ! but please for god sake stop letting reddog leading some stuff :lol:

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 7:20 am
by Reddog
:iconcheersm8: :iconcheersm8: :iconcheersm8: :iconcheersm8: :iconcheersm8: :iconcheersm8: :iconcheersm8: :iconcheersm8:

:icongoodjob: :icongoodjob: :icongoodjob: :icongoodjob: :icongoodjob: :icongoodjob: :icongoodjob:

Thanks wotny for all your help

Re: Bonjour

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 3:20 pm
by allibone
nnowotny wrote:S! all you ol' bastage,

I'm and more We having good time escorting you guys, we include me & nico but my whole squad too.
So keep organising them we'll join as many as possible !
just 2 things to add ;

-Time for you guys to learn french
-Ben stop flying too far away ahead of the group 8)
-Reddfog is a lazy bastage
-Allibone i know why you retired those americans are fooking horrible to fly with always screaming and putting some crazy a$$ songs, man WTF ?!! now i know why you're off for so long :twisted:

S! guys

LOL I haven't retired, just a forced career break from escort duties :) Be back ingame soon to take some of the pressure off ya hopefully and maybe act as an interpreter between you and the Rednecks :lol:

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 4:02 pm
by Duke2
Glad to hear u coming back Allie. Vee need ya. Make it speedy ifn u can. :)

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 4:06 pm
by Reddog
Jus dang two Allibone sightings in 2 days.

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 4:10 pm
by thor
He got the hat and lanc from TZ, so i guess he is feeling some memories coming back to him.

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 5:38 pm
by trevor8
George is damn fine music thank you!

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 7:11 am
by nnowotny
lol alli, yep an interpretor would be good, but i think except ben everyone understand me, ghey reddog whisper me that he loves meh accent !!!
That's why i'm now scared to stay close to him even in the skies !

and oklahoman is a strange language lmao.


Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 8:57 am
by Charlie3
nnowotny wrote:lol alli, yep an interpretor would be good, but i think except ben everyone understand me, ghey reddog whisper me that he loves meh accent !!!
That's why i'm now scared to stay close to him even in the skies !

and oklahoman is a strange language lmao.

it looks funny seeing a frenchman being scared of reddog's ghey whispers... i thought all frenchies were ghey


Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:07 am
by Tzulscha
nnowotny wrote:lol alli, yep an interpretor would be good, but i think except ben everyone understand me, ghey reddog whisper me that he loves meh accent !!!
That's why i'm now scared to stay close to him even in the skies !

and oklahoman is a strange language lmao.

Reddog just thinks you talk like Maurice Chevalier. (He loved you in Gigi btw ;))

As for Ben, well, we're not sure WHAT language he is speaking really...


Someday I need to ask you how to pronounce 'Maubeuge'. :D