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Bug, features, and issues in the game

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 1:05 pm
by Frantish
The Rats already know this, but need a *little* reminding.

RPM = Rounds (bullets) per Second. RPS = Rounds per Second
ALL the TG/manual guns fire MUCH slower then they should, up to 50% slower (timed by stopwatch but with +/- 10% error).

Both Blens and Havoc have a “Vickers K” MG, currently with 250 round drums, 2 in Blen, 4 in Havoc.
The correct “Vickers K” used a 60 round drum for hand manipulated guns (a 100 round version was special purpose, but could have been used).
I do not know exactly, but I think the Blen carried 5 or 6 drums, and the Havoc had 8, but I have no problem if they carried much more.
The in game rate of fire is also too slow. It should be 950 RPM, or about 16 rounds a second.

DB-7 is only unique FR aircraft (Blen4 same as UK, Ju52 same as GR).
Its MAC34mg uses 100 round drums (correct), but its firing rate is also too slow. In game is 860 RPM, should be 1200-1500 RPM!
Lets say 1380 RPM (upper middle number), that is 23 RPS, so it will empty a 100 round drum in 4.3 seconds, but game version is 7 seconds! 50% SLOWER then what it should be!!

ALL the German TG guns are the venerable MG-15, with a rate of 1000-1100 RPM (slightly less then MG-17 in Me-109's), with 75 round 'Double Drum" (similar to game LMG "Single Drum").
In game firing rate is 13 RPS, when it should be 18 RPS (1080 RPM, upper middle), also 33% slower then it should be!
Game guns have 100 round D-Drums, when it should be 75.

DB-7’s gun is the most accurate of all (and showcase of CRS’s work!), but is a little off. The MG is mounted on a carriage that moves on the track correctly done in game, however the gun is on a pintle as well, so it can continue to traverse well to the sides, going so far as to the sides and even forward, so if possible should be expanded (elevation is correct). The bottom gun should be able to elevate higher, to just below the window frame.

==(did not list the Axis errors, unless you want me to put in)==

CSR improvements (more complete score keeping)

Basically the bomber pilots need bragging rights! Missions, scores, success, top 100, etc.

1. In the CSR for individual players add "Factory Bombed", or “Strategic target hit” for things like Train depots, ports, AF’s, etc.

2a. TOP 100 Factory Bombing.
2b. TOP players with OPTION to only include successful RTB! (more bragging rights to say I made it back! And of course discourage despawn after drop).

3. have players names in the GAZETTE, saying something like “Ampos250 participated in bombing Amiens RD&P Facilities.
His participation in the latest heavy attacks by Axis bomber formations over Amines has caused RD&P output to drop to 37% at that city.

4. MULTIPLIER for shooting down EA! A quick fix until a new combat score method is created. Currently a bomber get 6 points for shooting down fighter, so a simple 5x multiplier will give 30 points, OR why not just make it 40, period? It will be a HUGE incentive for bombers to be intercepted!

5. Up the points for damaging factories, 40 to 50, so the time invested is very lucrative, IF you can hit the target!

6. IF the factory is 100% destroyed, then there is a 30 to 60 minute delay before repair is started, encourages in finishing the job, and maintenance bombing.

7. Individual factory status on WW2OL web site, other players will directly see the effects of RDP bombing, and participants will have a great reward, which will greatly encourage others to give it a try! AND the HQ's can measure with much more accuracy the results of the efforts.

8 And some way for escorts to get some credit. I suggested a few points (5?) for missions over 1 hr in length. Yes it will be abused, but if only a handful of THOUSANDS do it, then its OK. After all, there is a lot of other abuses that are much worse. I think bombers should also get credit for spending so long for 1 mission.

User Interface

We need a DOT command that will list factory status in game for each side (.facuk .facfr .facgr), and output like 1=100%, 2=49%, 3=DEST, 4=100%, etc (is command line in game, using already gathered data.). The “.RDP” is not good for planning a mission, but it does help to decide if mission is needed.

Bombsight: Either CENTER MARKS (arrows inside the sight), OR a KEY that will auto center, OR the ability to assigned another control to it OR a Bombsight LOCK key, if nothing else.

TARGET ELEVATION! Either part of “.own”, or a new one, “.el”

“TARGET” and “ORIGIN” waypoint icons, make smaller and transparent (so we can see name under it

MORE later. This for you to chew on for now

OH!! Does the SB have PLENTY of oil for a mission?? The He-111 actually runs out of oil BEFORE it runs out of fuel!

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 2:28 pm
by thor
O my God, I actually read all of that...

Sorry Frantish, I'm sure you are a great guy, but i can't see any bugs anywhere. Only thing I see is flowers, butterflys and happy faces... I'm a happy bomber.

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 3:08 pm
by Frantish
thor wrote:O my God, I actually read all of that...

Sorry Frantish, I'm sure you are a great guy, but i can't see any bugs anywhere. Only thing I see is flowers, butterflys and happy faces... I'm a happy bomber.
o_O O_o

The MG's firing 50% slower then they should not a bug?

thanks for reading that, btw

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 4:43 pm
by thor
Sure it's a bug... I don't know. What I meen is that I don't care.

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 6:18 pm
by Main4ce
There will allways be bugs m8! Unless programed by a program, but even then the programing program, is only as good as the programmer and so on..!

just play man


Thor, I rolled anround the floor m8 S!

nothing against you Fran m8, but I just couldn't help it (btw I read it all to :D )


Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 7:17 pm
by Kizmet
Thor is making a joke, taking the word bug litteraly. What Frantish means is something not performing as it is suppose to or incorrect programming.

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 8:38 pm
by Cono
Kizmet wrote:Thor is making a joke, taking the word bug litteraly. What Frantish means is something not performing as it is suppose to or incorrect programming.
Or, Thor is using the term "bug" as Frantish is, and all that crap about butterflys, flowers and happy faces just means he's been in his "wacky weed" stash again. :lol: :P

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 11:23 pm
by Frantish
Cono wrote:
Kizmet wrote:Thor is making a joke, taking the word bug litteraly. What Frantish means is something not performing as it is suppose to or incorrect programming.
Or, Thor is using the term "bug" as Frantish is, and all that crap about butterflys, flowers and happy faces just means he's been in his "wacky weed" stash again. :lol: :P
Bugs in his Wacky Weed?

Thor is an unhappy camper...


Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 6:49 am
by Bootn3ck
nah thors probley just knackered bud from the little un.............nothing to worry about till he gets his horned helmet and axe out :lol:

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 8:44 am
by Codguy
Damn Frantish, you been doing your homework.

I can't say that I'm all too worried about the MG rates of fire, would just mean that I'd miss the 109 behind me more quickly. And with the number of times you've plinked me in your 111 I'll be damned if I want you to get another 33% ROF on that thing. :lol:

I do like the idea of an elevation dot command, would save the hassle of opening a browser window to get city/AB elevations.

I'm content with .own as it currently works for factory status, but if they want to add a more comprehensive command, then so be it.

Overall, I think most of us in here would be agreeable to anything that maximizes and/or recognizes the RDP bomber's effect on the war effort. Whether that takes the form of a top 100 list, increasing points for hitting and rtb-ing, or expanding the damage caused and/or repair times.

Re: Bug, features, and issues in the game

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 10:49 am
by Frantish
Frantish wrote:The (DB-7) bottom gun should be able to elevate higher, to just below the window frame.
BTW, I though this may interest you folks.

The gun CAN elevate to the point the sight is looking at the frame (but the gun itself fired below it). I have been examining REAL examples of gun mounts, and the level of freedom is quite impressive, even being dangerous of the gunner shooting parts of his own airplane!


Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 10:59 am
by Kizmet
Oh man we gotta fix that. You know how deadly getting hit in the foot is....roflmao.

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 11:10 am
by Duke2
Kiz --- :) he he he :lol:

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 1:20 pm
by Frantish
Kizmet wrote:Oh man we gotta fix that. You know how deadly getting hit in the foot is....roflmao.

Now 20x, even your ghost is dead!!

(SShot to prove it!)

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 1:37 pm
by trevor8
I think RDP bombing should def be worth more points...Stats needs to be updated with RDP info like you states...Bottom gunner in DB7...yeah i open the hatch and that becomes my crews bathroom....only thing its good for...