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Change of Command Ceromony

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 10:42 am
by Kizmet
Guys, first let me apologize for getting this outline of the Allied CinC ceremony so late - just trying to give Ballew a proper "burial" and hail the incoming CO Barely. Even though we will have begun a new ceremony - I am selecting the Training Server for the CinC ceremony to provide adequate checks on it going smoothly.

A breilf outline of the ceremony is as follows:

We will need BEF Para Bde and RAF and FAF Fighter bdes in Vliss. The ceremony will take place at Knokke AF. We will need both BEF and ARFR Bdes at Knokke. The CinC, CoS, and the DCoS will be flown in to Knokke AF ona C47 with a Fighter Escort. There will be arrayed at the AF awaiting inf formation a DD formation and ATGs (compliments of the 23rd and Adeuk) for a 21 gun salute to outgoing Ballew and Incoming Barely. Upon complettion of CinC turnover - Ballew will be flown off the AF in the C47.

This will take place promptly at 7pm CST or -5GMT

If you have any questions, email me ASAP.


Agian -this will be on the TRAINING SERVER

Re: Change of Command Ceromony

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 11:39 am
by mevan
Kizmet wrote: This will take place promptly at 7pm CST or -5GMT
I will assume that is tonight?

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 11:55 am
by Kizmet
Good catch mevan. This is tomorrow night, Saturday the 13 of October.

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 12:18 pm
by trevor8
I will most likely not be able to make it....gotta do the real army thing.

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 6:17 am
by thor
that is 00:00 GMT --- 02:00 CET (my time). I promise I will be there...