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Hey ladies

Post by dfadd »

Well how's the bombing? I ran into that scrotumbag, err i mean scharbag last night, he was pummeling diest :P

Been out a few months but Imma back so wanted to say hi to the old timers and hey to all you newer recruits :)

BTW where is that lazy ass Kizmet? Man I knew I shoulda made him peel more potatoes, keep him busy!

No charlie...put the rifle down...I didnt mean it....no, I know your a good sniper....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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Post by Kizmet »

Good to see you back dfadd. I ran out of taters so I started on meh sheep. They've got raw skin now. Wait, oh yeah, that's it, you skin the taters and sheer the sheep. I'll get it right one day.

Get your ass in game this weekend and say hi. I'll be on quite a bit this weekend.
Executive Officer
RAF 617 Squadron, The DamBusters
AHC COS Retired
AHC CinC Staff, Retired
BEF CinC, Retired
RAF CO, Retired


Apres Moi Le Deluge!
After me, the flood!

"The DamBusters - not just a squad, a game imbalance"
gators1 wrote:I think a battalion of Georgia rednecks can easily take a bunch of Vermont hippies with peace symbols on their uniforms.

Post by dfadd »

pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase you been tryin to shag my herd for years now! I'll be on, I'm back and I'm gonnaget drunk and play allllllllll weekend! I'll pretty much be on from 5:30pm eastern today til sunday nite lol

And don't think it's been too long I can't still bust ur ass maggot!

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Post by Kizmet »

FU dd. Come and get some.....woot!
Executive Officer
RAF 617 Squadron, The DamBusters
AHC COS Retired
AHC CinC Staff, Retired
BEF CinC, Retired
RAF CO, Retired


Apres Moi Le Deluge!
After me, the flood!

"The DamBusters - not just a squad, a game imbalance"
gators1 wrote:I think a battalion of Georgia rednecks can easily take a bunch of Vermont hippies with peace symbols on their uniforms.
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