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Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 1:56 am
by getme73
I’ve enjoyed Flying and playing with all of the DamBusters. But due to Squad rules I see no chance of advancement in the squad. I’ve tried the whole Flying under the bridge but cant seem to do it. I’ve seen many come in the squad since I joined who can, good job guys!! So out of frustration or lacking in the belief that this proves my abilities to do the job I feel I need to leave the squad. To find a squad where advancement for a Pilot, Bomber or Ground Pounder like me is more likely. The DamBusters are a great squad and I thank you for the learning experience . :cry:


Re: Resignation…

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 8:53 am
by Kizmet
Getme, there are a lot of openings coming up right now. We have asked in the past for those who wanted AHC Experience to step up. The chance for advancement is much greater right where you are. You will not get promoted faster by leaving the squad.

I'll be happy to speak with you and fill you in more if you like. Guys I need a chance to work this out. Stop leaving. We're the best in the business. Give me a chance.

Re: Resignation…

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 7:51 pm
by Scharbag
Dont do it getme!!! You are my hommie!!

Flying with us is the goods doode.

Re: Resignation…

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 6:21 am
by Brey
If I can fly under a bridge and through a hanger, so can you. If it's because of your equipment, you can upgrade over time. If it's because your a little shaky, welcome to my world. I don't extend far enough for another loop and run for bombing, I cut too soon when turn fighting, I screw up in frustration when I can't get to the 109 tearing up my tail and etc.
As far as flying is concerned all I can say is keep on trying like me and the rest of us.
Rank? It's over rated. All it does is make you responsible for a whole other set of expections and demands. I'm sure Kiz and whom ever else makes that determination to rank you up will make sure your ready for the task of leading a bunch us to the target and back, or what ever else there is to do.
If you want to practice, you can follow me under bridges. Sometimes I don't make it. It might make you laugh and loosen up a tad.
You'll be allright. your a dambuster.

Re: Resignation…

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:42 am
by FuelPump
Hey Getme, it'd be a shame to see you go mate. You've done well every time I've flown with you, and you're a good guy.
Put it this way, our job is not to fly under bridges, it's to bomb factories, and you have proven that you can do that. I would happily back you up for promotion, if you are keen to be promoted.
Anyway, bridge and hangar flying are not something you can't do with a bit of practise.
Yoda says : Fly not under hangar, make hangar over you fly.
Practise offline if you think you are dinging up too many planes from the spawn list. It's just a matter of time before you get it, just be patient with your line up, and don't be afraid to abort if the line is no good. Also, be careful about coming in so low that your prop blades hit the ground and bend.

Re: Resignation…

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 3:51 pm
by getme73
Thanks FeulPump
i appreciate the wise words of yoda. As far as rhe practice offline goes the little time i do have to play before i die (wedding :D lol ) I would rather spend kickin german butt. So ill do the practice after the big day and all that goes with it are over.

Re: Resignation…

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 7:20 pm
by Guest
What?! We can get promoted?! :shock:

Lol, not real worried about it myself, I don't really want any responsibilities in game, ( though I will cheerfully lead a flight if anyone were to ask me to) I run a hobby shop IRL an I have enuff responsibilities keeping my employees busy.... :roll:

Seriously, stick around Getme, this is agreat bunch of guys!

Re: Resignation…

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 7:21 pm
by Tzulscha
I hate when I forget to log in.... :roll:

Re: Resignation…

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 9:30 am
by sody
getme don't leave me :p