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1.26 out in BETA

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 3:26 pm
by Reddog
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Clear sky's are back......

World War Two Online
Version (04-10-07) Open Test


The animation system for WWIIOL has been upgraded and with that change come several new or improved animations. This animation upgrade is part of a larger animation upgrade that will see all animations reviewed and upgraded for better look and feel as well as more accurate functionality.

- Infantry predictor has been reworked to remove "round the corner" lag (works like old predictor)
- Sappers must remain immobile while placing a satchel charge
- Deployed weapons when standing now appear correctly in third person
- Deployed infantry can now use all combat emote (ctrl + 1-5)
- Deployed weapons now have their binocular view restricted to the deploy traverse
- Non-aimed dispersion has been dramatically increased
- Updated Granny animation system to latest version
- All rifles have had the aim view redone
- The K98K has a new stripper clip animation with sounds
- The K98K has been given the correct darker color
- British and French stripper clips and sounds are currently being reworked
- The Lebel now has a unique HUD icon
- The Lebel now has the correct 8mm round
- The French Lebel and Mas36 now have the correct number of rounds per clip
- The Thompson m1928 now appears as the correct model in third person
- The German Rifle Grenade animatinos have been redone
- Updated Bren animations
- The Luger has new animations and reload sounds
- Added new Webley reload animations (speed loader instead of individual rounds)
- Several animations audited for a variety of weapons

Several audits have been done as a result of Liaison and Production Notes Discussion feedback. In addition to these audits several requested features have been added. You will also notice a distinct visual change to all the models in the game as a result of the work on the graphics


- French tank commanders now have episcopes (R-35, H-39, S-35, and Char B1)
- Tiger turret ammo has been moved to the correct hull location
- Tank main gun APHE and HE rounds have standardized fuse times of .02 seconds
- Fixed a bug where M10 APHE was not generating shrapnel
- M10 mg now uses correct .50 cal sound in 3rd person
- Fixed commander cupola view port magnification in Char to match S35
- Fixed A13 radio mast missing texture

- Bomber landing gear on the DB7, Havoc, and He-111 will now pass damage on to other components when hit ("bullet sponge" bug)
- Corrected P-38 Military (continuous) engine RPM from 2700 to 2600
- Hurricane I speeds corrected
- Bf110C4B engines changed for the DB601N
- All planes have had interior and exterior shading audits
- Fixed a bug where gear/flap sounds would overlap when toggling gear quickly
- Added rounds of DeWilde animation to British .303 belting
- Planes have had the number of LoD (level of detail) reduced from 5 to 3
*This LoD reduction should help improve performance
* LOD1: 0m - 75m
* LOD2: 75m - 300m
* LOD3: 300m - 8000m

- Ship board AA guns now elevate to 87 degrees
- Ship board 20mm has had its destruct time increased to give it more range
- British Fairmiles no longer set off EWS
- Fairmiles now have Vickers 3pdr deck gun
- Fairmile twin 20mm AA now rotates 360 degrees
- Fairmile 20mm is now all HE
- Fairmiles no longer capture infantry when going under a bridge
- Destroyer 37mm rate of fire increased to 80 rpm

Misc. Vehicles:
- Tracers no longer generate behind the fire point
- Ground based AA audited to have contact fuses
- Fixed a floating triangle on the Pak40 cockpit
- Fixed 17pdr ATG LOD issues at very long range

- Spring has returned, the weather has been redone
- Water reflections have been removed for performance reasons
- Bushes have had their billboard distance increased dramatically
- Reduced the density of bushes in open fields for improved visibility and performance
- Remaining old clutter objects replaced with new grass object
- Added several new builders statues
- Added several names to the memorial
- Fixed an Ai bug where Fairmiles would not be fired upon
- Fixed a bug where trees and foliage were offset from the correct origin
- Fixed missing forest centers near Beaurang
- Fixed A51 CPs causing a map crash when selected (Live Server/Release terrain)
- Fixed a collision based frame rate hit at coordinates 60.2.3N 6.30.5W
- Fixed several .report issues

Squad Recruiting:
We've added a new squad recruiting feature. Squads may set themselves to recruiting. For testing purposes all squads on the test server have been deleted. Please create squads and recruit players to test.

- Any player above the rank of recruiter may individually turn on accepting new recruits
- Players who are not in a squad may now be recruited automatically by a recruiter and join that recruiter on his mission
- The recruiter must be on an active mission to receive recruits
- Recruits are automatically added to the squad
- Recruits may leave the squad at any time
- Recruiters may remove the recruit at any time from the squad
- Recruits who have not been made members of the squad after seven days will be removed from the squad (functionality pending)
- If no recruiter has their flag on then your squad is not recruiting even if you have the squad recruiting flag turned on

Squad Tab:
- Added a squad recruitment message (slogan) to the squad info tab
- The slogan may be edited when editing the squad recruitment to on/off
- The slogan appears to recruits at the recruitment window
- The squad tab has been completely reformatted for quicker access to joining squads

Recruitment Window:
- Players not in a squad will be presented with the squad recruitment window after selecting a persona
- Players may turn off the option to be recruited on the squad tab

Recruitment Commands:
These commands replace or augment previous squad invite tools.

- "/recruit name" sends a squad invite to the player named
- "/invite name" is the same as "/recruit name"
- "/recruiting on" turns on your "I'm recruiting flag" allowing you to receive new recruits if you are of the "recruiter" rank in your squad
- The squad recruiting flag must also be turned on via the squad tab edit controls
- "/recruiting off" turns off your personal recruiting flag

NOTE: When this patch goes live any squad members who are recruits will need to be made members or they will be removed from the squad

- Fixed ".own" to now report factory status
- Fixed squad mate notifications when coming online
- Fixed the audio alert on a .m message
- Added chat auto-complete
* Start a slash command like /h
* Tab cycles through all slash commands starting with /h
* Commands are cycled in alphabetical order
* Dot or slash commands work
* Currently only client side commands are supported
- Added chat history
* When the chat bar is open for input
* Up arrow cycles back in the list of recent chat entries
* Down arrow cycles forward in the list
* Cycling up or down does not wrap when you hit a boundary
* The current line is saved and used as the first line in history
* New lines are added if they are different from the last line

- Players with low rank can no longer click the create mission button and be taken to the mission create dialog
- Vehicle tool tips now show what rank is required to access them even when you don't have the rank to access them
- Mobile Spawn check box size increased
- Mobile Spawn check box entire line can now be clicked
- Fixed a bug where your reserved vehicle would show up when you transferred to a new brigade/branch/country using the map
- Fixed a double click speed error
- The population indicators on persona select now show green for good and yellow for overpopulated

- Improved map rendering performance
- Approve all waypoints working correctly
- Fixed Brigade moves not updating on map
- Fixed a right click on CP crash
- Fixed a bug where some brigades might not be able to be moved
- Fixed a bug where bridge objectives might not be able to be cleared
- Fixed map tiles not rendering on the Mac

- Added chat commands to all in game manuals

- Removed water reflections options

- Improved inter-host peering
- Improved inter/host connection loss and recovery
- Improved cell host chat host connection
- Added new performance counters and tracking

Several new performance improvements have been made in this release. Object handling and memory management have been reworked to increase client performance and reduce stutters and memory usage.

- Added new memory management routines (PC) to reduce stutters when loading large amounts of vehicles and terrain (flying into battle)
- Fixed a bug where the game might render upside down
- Added shortcut to start menu for WWIIOL Wiki
- Fixed Training link in start menu

- Screenshots will now be located in the users Pictures directory

Memorial Additions:
- A.J. "Massaman" Bryson
- Chris "Frmboy" Cornish
- Joshua "Argus" Reynolds
- Lawerence "Codger" Davis
- Viktor "Snorkel" Sorken

Builders Additions:
- “OneEagle” Monchen Gladbach airfield
- “Hog” Neuse near church
- “Ratzilla” Antwerp south side of airfield
- “Basturd” North side of Antwerp near t-junction
- “Lodgey” Shilde near church

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 12:05 pm
by Main4ce
got it....testing now!

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 1:01 pm
by Main4ce
long list...

Could someone test this with the beta if they have the time...

I was trying out the top 3 planes 190, spit9 and the P38, on the Offline beta(something I don't normally do, play offline), seems I can pull going on 7G before I start to black out in the 190 but only 6.5 in the spit...does it have to do with the speed at which the Gs are pulled, the way I understand it...G is consent at all speeds, including standing still or am I simply wrong?

Luv the BLUE SKY :partyman: <---thats me on the right

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 11:21 pm
by Kizmet
Pfft......noob. :D Here's the simple formula to help you calculate g forces:

Area: Physics
Posted By: Dr Martyn Overy, Secondary School Teacher Ph.d (Physics)
Date: Sat Nov 23 08:26:55 1996
Message ID: 848335490.Ph

Hello Alison,

Here is some information to help you in your project

Movement in a curved path needs a force. This is called the centripetal force for circular motion. It is always towards the centre of the circle. The required centripetal force depends on the mass(m) of the person, the velocity (v) and the radius of the circle (r).

The formula is F = (mass x velocity x velocity)/ radius = mvv/r

This force does not exist by itself. It must be provided by the sum of the forces already acting on the person.The direction of these forces must be taken into account, when finding the overall force.

Imagine the vehicle on the highest point (top of a vertical circle) There is a reaction force (R) upwards.This is the force on the person given by the seat. The reaction force R acts upwards and the weight (W) acts downwards.The overall force will be W-R . This provides the force (F) needed to keep moving in a circle.

At this point F will be aimed directly downwards the same direction as W.

So F = W-R (1)

Now W = mg (g = acceleration due to gravity)

and F = (mvv)/r

Substituting these into (1)and re-arranging gives

Reaction Force (R) = mg - (mvv)/r = m (g-vv/r)

The condition for feeling weightless occurs when g = vv/r

You can calculate the velocity at which this will happen if you enter values for g (9.81 metres per second per second) and r .

If the velocity is high, so that mvv/r is greater than mg, then an additional force is needed to keep a person in his/her seat.

The actual size of this additional force depends on the values of v and r.If mvv/r = 2mg ,then the downward force needed to keep a person in his/her seat will be mg (equal to the weight of the person,called one G force). Designers must make sure that the additional forces (provided by retraining straps) are not too great so as to cause injury.The radius and velocity must be calculated very carefully to prevent this happening.A large downward force will be result of too high a velocity,or too small a radius..or both !

An estimate of the maximum G force (the value of R) is around 3mg.This will happen when mvv/r = 4mg (4 times the weight of a person). So,if you know v you can calculate the minimum radius needed to prevent injury.

At the bottom of the circular ride,the Reaction Force R must be greater than the weight W,to keep the person moving in a circle.The reation force is given by

R = mvv/r + mg

when mvv/r = mg the reaction force is twice the value of W, so a person feels twice as heavy. When mvv/r = 2mg the person will feel three time as heavy as normal. Fairground designers must be very careful not to design the rides so that R is too high. There is a limit to which any body can take...without injury.

Some values :

Maximum velocity gained during a fall of h metres = square root of (2gh)
g = 9.8 m/s^2 (metres per second per second)
A drop of 65.5m for a Rollercoaster gives a velocity of 37.8m/s
Typical maximum G force is when R = 3.5mg
so 3.5mg = m(vv/r + g) gives r = 58.3 metres.
The Rollercoaster MUST have a large radius at the bottom ,to prevent
injury to passengers (otherwise the G force is too high)

Typical first drop for a Corkscrew = 23m

Gives a maximum speed of 21.2 m/s,which is rather high compared with the maximum speed quoted by the manufacturer as 18.1 m/s. This is because friction reduces the overall speed in practice. The maximum value of R is 3mg, quoted by the manufacturer Substituting in R = mvv/r + mg gives a radius of 16.7m. So, a Corkscrew can have tighter bends than a Rollercoater, because of the smaller velocities.

All very mathematical, I know, but Physics can be interesting.. this is just an example where designers must use their knowledge of Physics to make sure rollercoasters and Cosrkscrew rides are both fun AND safe.

Martyn Overy
North Chadderton School

Are you sure you flew under a bridge to get in the squad? G forces........roflmao! :partyman:

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 2:38 am
by Brey
:shock: hmm-simple-yep yep ( dah ) um hum oh course it be shur nuff is hmmmm :lol:

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 6:55 am
by Main4ce
Ok yeah, that makes sense..."The formula is F = (mass x velocity x velocity)/ radius = mvv/r, etc..."

When working out F, the total of each (M, V or radius) can be different, but the sum the same.... i.e.: big Mass at a high V in a big radius, could give you the same answer if a Small Mass is at a high V in and a small radius. (Especially at the same Altitude of flight, where g (9.81) is more or less constant. (g can be around 9.79 I believe)

What I'm trying to say is...the effect to the person (black out in his case) should happen at a constant point of G force + the time spent at that G force...

Trained pilots can withstand 7 G where a normal person would only withstand around 4.3 G

Kiz, I looped a bridge... 8) hehe..

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:09 pm
by Kizmet
Damn, now that's quite a bit of siphering ya did there. Just couldn't resist the post.... :D

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:42 pm
by Cono
My head hurts now. :P