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trim wheels for dummies - anyone?

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:58 pm
by thor
I need help understanding how I can set up and use my trim-wheels. I got the x52pro. I know some of you (main4 last time) have explained this to me on TS several times, but I still don't get it - or can't make it work. I have always used the k and i keys - it works for me, but it would be cool to use the wheels like the big boys do...

Please write a simple guide for me... I'm having a hard time understandig your english over TS... :roll:

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 6:37 pm
by Reddog
8) I ain't even gonna do all that typing but will tell u on ts , but the short version is just map the rudder and aileron to the thumb wheels in which ever direction u want to use

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 7:02 am
by Main4ce
Yeah Thor, Just like Red said, Open up your Keymapper in game...go to the trim settings and set them to your JS wheels/sliders. remember that you made need to set to invert..... 8)

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 8:33 am
by thor
HEY, I said NO TS-instructions. I always end up saying yes to whatever you guys telling me - my mind kind of drifts when it's forced to concentrate on listening to English on a static connection... Have none of you ever wondered why I always agree and never argue?

All right then... I thought I did map it, but will try tonight. :D Thank you!

Now; anyone up for telling me how to get a million dollars easy? (not including jail-time)

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 9:07 am
by Codguy
thor wrote:Now; anyone up for telling me how to get a million dollars easy? (not including jail-time)

Funny you should ask...I just received and e-mail from an attourney representing the estate of a long lost (and now deceased) uncle who evidently lived in Africa somewhere. Poor uncle Bob, wondered why I didn't get a Christmas card this year. Anyway, as soon as I provide my bank routing and account numbers, I will be transfered the remaining balance (a quite sizeable one I'm told, though for "legal" reasons the attourney could not disclose the exact amount) in my poor dead great great second uncle-in-law's estate.

Seems like all of my long lost relatives are dropping like flies recently, how sad.

Maybe you have some long lost African relatives too Thor??

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 12:47 pm
by Main4ce
Invest in long life energy Light bulbs.... in a few years your standard light bulb will be gone from the market due to new laws world wide, increasing the Energy light bulb sales!

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 1:57 pm
by thor
Very nice Codguy... did they ask for a small amout of money before they could transfer your money? 8)

You know main4ce, you could be right (I'm sure you are) - but... In Norway (and other cold countries) traditional light bulbs are used to help warming up our houses. I only use energy bulbs outside or in rooms where I don't need the extra heat. I understand that in Australia and California they use very much energy just to keep there houses cool. Traditional light bulbs create heat they don't want.

On the other hand - we also get a lot of babies born 9 mounth after winter. I think men and women turns the light of (saving energy) and does some manual heating in the dark...


Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 6:08 pm
by Main4ce
LOL ...I bet thats a fact Thor! :D

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 2:41 am
by FuelPump
There was something in the news last night here in Australia about them banning incandescent globes, in favour of the low energy fluoro ones. I was on the way to get another drink, and missed it.

Codguy maybe we're related?
I also got an email (they apparently got my name through the South African Chamber of Commerce) about a long lost relative in Nigeria who wants my help to get $40 million out of the country using my bank account.

This website covers it all pretty well, including some accounts of people who have taken the Nigerian scammers for a bit of a ride.