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Unit icons

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 4:08 pm
by opusaug
S! Dambusters

We're not getting much feedback at AHQ regarding our bomber brigade unit icons, so I thought I'd post a little something here.

At the moment, Bable has an icon for both 70 Squadron (the second one below) and GB I/12 (the third one below). Let me know your opinions and I'll try to accomodate if you'd like a change. Deadline is Friday, so I want Bable to have what's decided by Thursday, just to be sure. (I initially thought Wednesday, but I want to give 3 days for the poll.) ... 326#393326

opusaug wrote:Last call: I can send in the full badge instead of just the mascot, but I'd like some confirmation that's what 70 Squadron wants. ... 423#391423

opusaug wrote:

The historic 70 Squadron arms:


If we just want to use the griffon, it could be this:


Personally, I like the full badge better if we were only putting it on the map, but I think it won't be distinctive enough on the side of a plane, so I sent in the mascot version. The one we pick has to fit both uses (as well as any other uses CRS thinks up).

And FYI, since we use GB I/12 when we fly DB7s, I took the liberty of cleaning up the historic badge for that squadron and sending it to Bable. I don't think the FAF boys care much when it concerns that squadron.


Re: Unit icons

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 5:21 pm
by Aeo
I like either. Dose 617 need an Icon made too or I am guessing that 617 is part of this brigade or whatever and under this icon.

Also is the white part going to be transparent or are we forced to keep a square shape?

Re: Unit icons

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 6:37 pm
by Kizmet

These are brigade not squad. However, just for future, you may want to come up with a squad one.

Buckmaw has asked and gotten permission for the Theater to create service specific awards. I don't know about navy but air force I do. We'll need Distinguished Flying Cross, Distinguished Service Cross, and the Silver Star to begin with please. Nice work buckmaw. These are theater awards and I approve the graphics so do your thing aeo. Like you always do. I'm with you in standardizing design and size.

Oh yeah, you just might want to work on an oak leaf cluster aeo. :wink:

All Air Force Medals: ... medals.htm

All Navy Medals: ... anpg38.htm

All Army Medals:

These are all American Military. Starting my search for British Military now.

All British Military: ... ecorations

Not a lot of graphics of the actual award. However, some damn interesting awards here and at least you have the name which you can search on.

Here is a good explaination of the awards:

Opsaug I love the graphics. I think you'll be better off with just the griffon though. I'm not sure how the other would work out. It would be nice to have the squadron patch but if not, the griffon should stand out for sure.

Re: Unit icons

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 7:57 pm
by opusaug
I added a poll, just to make it easier to tell where the consensus is, if any.

Re: Unit icons

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 10:31 pm
by FuelPump
As RAF pilots, shouldn't we have RAF medals?
Here's a link to British medal ribbons (go straight to the "Decorations and Gallantry Awards", I'd probably forget about "the Order of The Bath" etc.)

The only problem I might have with using real-world medals is that by us using them in this game, it could take something away from all the people who suffered and sacrificed to win those medals in real-life, often at the cost of their own lives. Just a thought.

Also, I think the Griffon by itself would stand out more than the standard squadron logo would. The British and Commonwealth forces were not real big on unit individualism, probably due to Op-Sec reasons. Aircraft were generally tagged only with the unit identifier letters, and an individual aircraft's letter. I think the Griffon would be more instantly recognisable than a squadron logo which would have to be seen up close in order to identify the unit.

How large can these unit icons be? How many pixels? If Aeo's keen, he might want to clean up the Griffon a bit first. If he's not keen, I'd be happy to do it...

Re: Unit icons

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 11:21 pm
by hiiamben
Yea good point simon we need a raf icon not frog.

Re: Unit icons

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 8:38 am
by opusaug
FuelPump wrote:As RAF pilots, shouldn't we have RAF medals?

Who's talking about medals? (EDIT: Oh, it was Kiz. One concept per thread, please - I can't take too much thinking. :D) The idea is a brigade unit patch for the planes, and an icon to indicate where the unit is located on the map. (One icon for both purposes.)

FuelPump wrote:How large can these unit icons be? How many pixels? If Aeo's keen, he might want to clean up the Griffon a bit first. If he's not keen, I'd be happy to do it...

That would be great. It has to be in to Bable by Friday, so if you can work fast, post a link here and I'll send up the improved version. The size must be 128x128, which is the size of all the icons above.

FuelPump wrote:Yea good point simon we need a raf icon not frog.

As I've said (repeatedly), the "frog" patch is for "frog" planes when you're really a "frog". If you only want RAF icons, stop flying DB7s.

Re: Unit icons

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 9:20 am
by hiiamben
Opus we cant stop flying db7's cause they have a bigger bombload in jewels. Bud we have been flying db7's for over a year now cause crs nerfed the havoc's bomb's So our icon needs to be raf!!

Re: Unit icons

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 9:51 am
by opusaug
:lol: I think there's a conceptual disconnect here. I'll catch you on TS and we'll straighten it out, Ben.

Re: Unit icons

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 11:11 am
by Kizmet

Your ICON cannot be RAF when flying DB7's. Opus idea is correct. I'd put in the GB1/12 icon because no one most likely is on the french side. As for the RAF icon, either will work fine. Too bad they won't let us see them ingame and then decide which one to use.

Re: Unit icons

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 12:31 pm
by hiiamben
Ok then we have another problem, you cant always see gba 1/12 in the brigade hq?

Re: Unit icons

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 12:35 pm
by Kizmet
Jesus H.

That's because inactive brigades are not shown by default. If you want to see all brigades uncheck the hide inactive brigade button.

Re: Unit icons

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 1:56 pm
by AJV

Take a deep breath man!

Feel all that good energy and crap like that.

Re: Unit icons

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 1:57 pm
by opusaug

Re: Unit icons

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 2:10 pm
by Kizmet
I feel the force..........

I swear I do..........................

OOPS, wrong force, and I forgot I"m right handed.....roflmao.