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Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 3:46 pm
by Codguy
Hey Sniper, great to hear from you. Sounds like they're cranking you through training as quickly as possible. Best of luck over the next few months and stay in touch as best you can! We'll be here when you have time to get back in game :D

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 1:24 pm
by Ithica
Well, snippet, glad to hear you made it through alive. That is such an accomplishment they should let your ass retire. Good luck in the future, and don't let them big bad soldier boys turn you straight, everyone is different. Oh shit I forgot, don't ask don't tell right? You are still my bitch, and don't forget it. Catch you on the flip side.

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 9:56 pm
by Duke2
:) Times Runnin out Ith. He's growin up. :) Keep on Sniper. :)

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 3:49 pm
by Sniper62
LOL! no that wasnt my gf posting, i was trying to post somthing on my phone but it was way to early in the morning or somthing and somthing got messed up and i didnt have time to fix it, sorry.

mevan and fuelpump i havnt got any of your mail yet. that old Fort Jackson address isnt guna work because im not there anymore lol they said they would forward my mail from there to here but they have not it sounds like. ok for the new address:

PFC Luehrs, Caleb
D co. 369 SIG BN
Ft. Gordon GA. 30905

thats the new mail box try to send it to there. sorry its been so long sence i have posted, things around here have been busy... even with all the busy crap going on i still havnt started school yet! GRRR i have been here coming up on a month an a half and havnt started yet wtf? then when i do get to start it will still be 5 months of school...some of the youngins here were saying we might not start till january :(

we will have to figure somthing out about getting another miniminicon going agian. but it wont be till another month and a half till that. i can leave base now but i have to be in bed by 1am on the weekends. once i have been here for 12 weeks then i will be able to leave sat morning and not have to be back till sunday night.

reddog plz tell me u hagve recored all the episodes of Lost??? dude if u have, u gota burn em to DVD and send them to me, ill pay for the DVDs lol i cant even imagine what is going on in that show. how is that TV card working?

hows all the bombing going? i saw a post with some arguing in it... am i guna have to come back and woop some arse and get things strieghtened up around here?!? :D reddog told me that a new sherman made it ingame. it sounds sweet against those tigers lol any news on bombers?

you guys asked for my cell # its 863-370-5073. dont call till the end of the month cuz i dun went over my mins and am guna have like a $200 bill lol so wait. go ahead and post ur guyses #s and ill try to give u guys a call.

ok well i got to get going. thnx for the support


Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 2:54 am
by thor
I have good memories about officer training and school - some really funny. Then of course there are all the hard work and the really cold cold winter exercises… not fun at the time, but still good memories.

What kind of school are you in sniper?

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:01 am
by Rameusb5
Holy shit I totally missed this thread (that's right fellas I'm still lurking!). :D

Sniper... I'm glad to hear you're doing well. Hope you're training goes fine and all. Stay in touch!

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:13 am
by Charlie3
dont feel bad i'm a fellow lurker

I'll try to get another letter off to ya caleb

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 6:08 pm
by Tzulscha
I should do that too. It's always nice to get mail I know.

Sounds like yer doin' good Sniper!

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 6:30 pm
by Reddog
Umm must upgrade the lurking firmware and install updates

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 6:48 pm
by Reddog
Snippett you don't have to record them just go and you can watch them there. All 3 episodes from this season start are there and it's totally wild

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 6:09 am
by Sniper62
Ya that would be sweet guys. It is always nice to hear your name at mailcall. It would be cool to get some computer/gaming magazines too if yall have any old ones laying around.
reddog u noob, how am i suposed to sit down and watch lost on when i dont have a computer and it costs $7 an hour to use them lol thats why i need acouple episodes on a dvd (how ever many can fit on one) cuz i do have a dvd player. Ill pay for the dvds but you dont have to i can wait and dl em all next year when i getouta hear lol but ill be so lost about lost lol