S! Fellas - need some help from you great americans :)

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S! Fellas - need some help from you great americans :)

Post by Ratware »

Hi guys
I need some help from one of you, back in the days we where flying DB7s.

Since im from europe i dont have access to a Walmart, so i started thinking about guys i know from the US.
If one of you guys live near a Walmart, i would be very happy if you could head down there before the 21st to get 2x gamecards for planetside 2 (sony game) worth 30$.
I will pay you for the cards before you buy them if neccessary.

-btw you dont need to send them, i just need the activation codes ;)

Thank you very much!

PS. I tryed to log in to your TS but i guess i need a password?

Edit: Oyaji is sick, so I still need one of you guys :)
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Re: S! Fellas - need some help from you great americans :)

Post by Reddog »

can ya go to walmart.com and show me what you speak of. I don't see it..

I have a wally's world around the corner
CO 617Dambusters

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Re: S! Fellas - need some help from you great americans :)

Post by Ratware »

http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product. ... gMethod=rr

Would be great if you could help me get my codes for the sales tomorrow 21st :)

Edit: Remember its in the stores you have to buy them, not online.
Its because of the extra 500 you get when buying them from the shop.
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Re: S! Fellas - need some help from you great americans :)

Post by Ratware »

I will try to be online the most of the day.
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