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Back From 6 Days of Use of Force Training

Post by mevan »

What you may ask? A Paramedic doing Use of Force Training? Yep I hate to say it but we where in need of it 5 years ago.

One of my jobs at work is Risk Analysis. About a year ago I really wanted to start crunching numbers on the frequency of aggressive or violent patients our medics where picking up. Well I knew it was bad but had no idea how bad. Guns, knives and fist fights are becoming the new norm for medics in the field. Alot of us old timers have learned by walking around the important points of situational awareness and protecting ourselves. (Lots of Hockey for me for starters). But as with any profession now a days the vet's our out numbered grossly by the noobs. And they have no idea and are getting themselves into some bloody hairy situation.

About 6 months ago I approach a friend of my who has been doing police use of force training for about 20 years (Still on the job as a Patrol Sgt). We took this training right up to the point where the weapons come out, basically open handed techniques, and developed a training program for Paramedics.

Last week I hand picked about 12 senior ppl from the field to go through the course with us to critique it and tell us what was good and bad.

Some Bag work:


Some Holds:


Me takin one on the Chin:


We also did alot of classroom and scenario work on S.A.

When first approach about this the adm ppl fell on the floor. But after reviewing a years worth of occurrence reports and a review our Work Place Safety and Health Reg's they really did not have much to say. Just hope it helps out the young medics in the field.

To make a long story short should see me back ingame this week.
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Post by trevor8 »

awesome stuff...LOF is a great class...I had to take it in AIT to be an MP. Arm bars, cross collar choke, and the rear naked choke are my fav! lol

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Post by Bootn3ck »

chinese headlock is the best......sleep or neck broking its your choice :P
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Post by Kizmet »

Good for you mevan. You'll be damned glad you did this. Your noobs will to, first time they run into another asshole.
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