21 Blenhiems on airfield before take off on, target Dusseldorf. Great flight by all but unfortunately when passing Antwerp the Luftwuffles scramble their planes.
The calm before the storm
Reddog's BBQ gets out of control
Blenhiem continues to burn
FW190A smokes another Blenhiem and leaves formation.
Nice crowd!
I think 'Blens -o-Doom' is a great idea to get noobs into bombing. We had a lot of greentags.
The problem we had was late tier ftrs vs early tier bombers.
We were sitting ducks. You KNOW they were pissing themselves when they caught us.
On the other hand we actually got kills against them! I got a 109f and I know we got at least one Fw with a blen.
Some REAL engine off bombing!
This was from the next run. It was just so Cool I hadda post teh pics!
Damn! I stayed awake till 1am or so waiting for some guys to come on, but didn't see anyone else on TS in the 70 Sqdn room, so I quit. Looks like I just missed this one....