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Post by Charlie3 »

i love ya duke

that is all

hows the ole ticker doin btw?
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Post by Cono »

FuelPump wrote:Well you WOULD be the agressor.

I mean all I did was wave my pointy stick in your general direction in an innocent and friendly manner (in fact I didn't even have a pointy stick, it was a peace flag, screw you if you thought it was a pointy stick), and you went and cracked my skull with your Remington 870, for no reason.
Now it's a fucking holy war!
Don't make me lob some shitty North Korean or Iranian rockets at you! :D

Just be aware that because you failed to actually declare war, I'm going to ignore the Geneva convention here....


A threat is an act of aggression. Granted, it is not necessarily an overt, physical act of aggression, but it is an act of aggression. Now, had you not waved that nuclear-tipped missile in my face (BTW, that's what my intelligence sources told me. The British intelligence comfirmed it too.), it would be different. But, you did and I felt I needed to knock you upside the head to set you straight.

Kofi, can I ignore the Geneva convention too? Please, please. If you don't let me, I'll just withdraw from that treaty and do it anyway.

Cono (a.k.a. Conobot)
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Post by Cono »

Ithica wrote:During the Iran Iraq war we took sides. Those chemical weapons used on Kurds, that was us.

Yeah, bringing out the whole Iraq thing WMD's I will be honest that just kind of came out in the middle of the rant. Shit happens.

Well with Afghanistan, we didn't really have much interest in it before 9/11. Where as with most of the other middle east. Where as with Israel, they are trying to make it look like they were the innocent victim here when we know that is bullshit, their hands are just as dirty as Hezbollah. But I guess that is just my opinion.

We most definitely did take sides. Afterall, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, right? We were on the side of Iraq at that particular time. But, the question remains, what are the 5 W's concerning the U.S. supplying Iraq with WMD?

And, you still haven't attempted to refute my comparison of the Afghanistan invasion with that of Israel's invasion of Lebanon. Is it alright for the U.S. but not alright for Israel or anyone else for that matter?

I do agree with you that Israel's hand are dirty. But, not nearly as dirty as those terrorist organizations. Trust me, there's not a country in this world whose hands are clean. They have all done some dirty deed at one time or another to further their strategic interests. That includes the USA.
Cono (a.k.a. Conobot)
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Post by Cono »

FuelPump wrote:I wouldn't say that nobody was interested in Afghanistan before 9/11, it's just that it has traditionally been a REALLY tough nut to crack. The Russians found that out, as did the British before them.
If you're going into Afghanistan, you want to have absolute backing behind you.

It has strategic importance as it buffers against Russia.

If you dig up a bit about its history, you'll see that Afghanistan has been pushed, pulled and twisted every which way by a bunch of countries trying to get hold of it. Mainly through diplomatic, and other means (including espionage, foreign aid, support for friendly political parties etc.) as well as through warfare. Before the Soviets invaded, both the US and USSR had been fighting each other over influence there.

Rudyard Kipling (British writer, 1800s) wrote about the British experience in Afghanistan:

Rudyard Kipling wrote:When you're wounded and left on Afghanistan's plains,
And the women come out to cut up what remains,
Jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains
An' go to your Gawd like a soldier.

I'm sure the Russians might have had similar things to say about Afghanistan. I hope that our current forces over there do better.

Here's a link to the complete poem anyway. It's quite good (for a poem), about life in the British army at the time.

No doubt, Simon, that Afghanistan is the Belgium of Asia.
Cono (a.k.a. Conobot)
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Post by Tzulscha »

Cono wrote:
FuelPump wrote:Well you WOULD be the agressor.

I mean all I did was wave my pointy stick in your general direction in an innocent and friendly manner (in fact I didn't even have a pointy stick, it was a peace flag, screw you if you thought it was a pointy stick), and you went and cracked my skull with your Remington 870, for no reason.
Now it's a fucking holy war!
Don't make me lob some shitty North Korean or Iranian rockets at you! :D

Just be aware that because you failed to actually declare war, I'm going to ignore the Geneva convention here....


A threat is an act of aggression. Granted, it is not necessarily an overt, physical act of aggression, but it is an act of aggression. Now, had you not waved that nuclear-tipped missile in my face (BTW, that's what my intelligence sources told me. The British intelligence comfirmed it too.), it would be different. But, you did and I felt I needed to knock you upside the head to set you straight.

Kofi, can I ignore the Geneva convention too? Please, please. If you don't let me, I'll just withdraw from that treaty and do it anyway.


Fuelpumps Future Historians record the conflict this way:
"On that day Fuelpump, mindful of others needs and feeling came across Cono, whose people had once said something uncomplimentory about his mother. The honorable Fuelpump felt compelled in a mild way to correct this mistaken image of his stainless forbear, and went so far as to make gesture involving a stick (which was of course not pointed in anyway as that would be wrong, in fact it was probably a twig, yeah, that's it a twig), whereupon Cono shot him.
A hundred and fifty six times. (Never mind that he lived for 40 more years and had 15 kids..)
Now we must avenge the Holy Martyr!"

Conos Future Historians say:
"While on a routine peace-keeping patrol this unit was approached by an obviously agitated individual wielding what appeared to be a weapon of some kind.
Following standard procedure he was disarmed and re-educated in "thinking like we think other people should think".
After being subjected to these techniques, the individual signed a confession, turned in all his terrorist contacts and was relocated by the witness protection plan to a small town where he ran a 7-11 for 40 years."

What REALLY happened was that Fuelpump got into a fight with Cono over a Hash deal, and Cono kicked his ass. :wink:
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Post by FuelPump »

What REALLY happened was that Fuelpump got into a fight with Cono over a Hash deal, and Cono kicked his ass.

Bloody revisionist historians! :lol:
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Post by Duke2 »

She is a tickin Chas. Gotta take me Medecine though. Seems everybody wants to give me Pills. :) Glad I have Insurance, it could get Quite costly. :)

Have a Happy -- ;)
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Post by Ithica »

Oh, my what have I started here. Already to page 4 wow thats crazy. Well, what I am about to post is completely off subject but I don't care. You all my think I am a hippy tree hugger or what not. However, I am not always so peaceful there are certain cases when I would pull the fucking trigger myself. Here is an example.

ST PETERSBURG, Florida (AP) -- A woman and her roommate were charged with starving the woman's 9-year-old daughter, who weighed just 42 pounds when she was found, authorities said.

The child also was locked up all day and was forced to wear a filthy diaper, police said.

Melissa Samoraj, 27, and Raymond LaFountain, 31, were arrested Wednesday and charged with aggravated child abuse.

The girl was so emaciated that her spine and ribcage were showing when state child welfare officials took her June 30, police said.

The girl also had her hands bound behind her, was locked in a bedroom all day and wore a diaper that went unchanged for hours, officials said. She told police it was punishment for bad behavior.

"It's a very disturbing case," police Detective Joe DeLuca said. "You see very few like this."

The girl now lives with her grandparents and has gained about 25 pounds in a month.

"She's doing well now," DeLuca said.

LaFountain's mother reported the girl's appearance after visiting the home, DeLuca said. It's not clear how long the alleged abuse had been going on, police said.

Samoraj and LaFountain were in a Pinellas County jail Thursday, each held on a $50,000 bond. DeLuca said they did not address the allegations when they were arrested Wednesday, and jail records did not indicate if they had lawyers.

LaFountain was originally described by police as Samoraj's live-in boyfriend, but the gender classification at the jail was changed from male to female following a routine strip search, Pinellas sheriff's spokesman Mac McMullen said.
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Post by Cono »

Ithica wrote:However, I am not always so peaceful there are certain cases when I would pull the fucking trigger myself.

Take a number and stand in line, young Ithica.

Hearing a story like that really pisses me off. :evil:

I wonder how long that had been going on and were the grandparents not involved enough in the lives of their child or grandchild not to see that happening. Estranged or maybe living too far away? Who knows.

A bullet would be too efficient in this case, unfortunately.
Cono (a.k.a. Conobot)
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Post by Charlie3 »

according to TV news last night the child was allegedly punished for stepping on the dog's paw among other things

although as a former child protective investigator, I too wonder why the grandparents were not more attentive.

god I'm glad i dont do that type of work anymore
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Post by Ithica »

You are right Cono. Which is why I am in favor of bringing back hangings. I dont' even want to spend the money on building the gallows. Just find a big ole oak tree and let the fuckers swing. I show no mercy to those who harm helpless children.
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Post by Cono »

[quote="Ithica"]You all my think I am a hippy tree hugger or what not./quote]

hehehe, there's nothing wrong with being a tree hugger or peacenik or whatever. It takes all kinds. ;) The world would be damn boring if we all thought alike.
Cono (a.k.a. Conobot)
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Post by Cono »

Ithica wrote:You are right Cono. Which is why I am in favor of bringing back hangings. I dont' even want to spend the money on building the gallows. Just find a big ole oak tree and let the fuckers swing. I show no mercy to those who harm helpless children.

Damn, Ithica, we're gonna be buddies afterall. ;)

I'm the same way about animals. Damn, there goes my bleeding heart side again. Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity are going to kick me out of the club now, for sure. :) LOLOLOL
Cono (a.k.a. Conobot)
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