PlanetSide free for a year!

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PlanetSide free for a year!

Post by Selest »

As requested by a couple of Squad members, and since it appears to have vanished from the Squad Lounge area, I am reposting the info about the year long PlanetSide free trial:

For all those who have thought about playing PlanetSide, but didn't want to pay the monthly fee, you can now download the special 'Reserves' client from the Sony Online Entertainment website:

This will allow you to play for free for a whole year until next April (2007), although you will be limited in the Battle Rank (BR6) and Command Rank (CR1) that you can obtain.

For all those who don't know, PlanetSide is an excellent Sci Fi MMOFPS (the only one in fact), that is played across 10 continents and involves strategy and some of the best teamwork in any game. If you want to know more, check out this rather excellent promo video:

Don't forget too, that my Outfit, Purple Valor, play for the Vanu Sovereignty on the Werner European Server. Pop over to , introduce yourself, and sign up now!

Basically, if you want a bit of a break from the realism of WW2online, but still want teamwork, you could do a lot worse than PS, and with a very special ingame event coming up on May 19th to mark PlanetSide's 3rd anniversary, now is a very good time to join up...

All the best

Selest :D
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